
Dagang Gao Add ress Mai『box A304,7th FIoor,Wenvi Buiding 230 Wa_huanxi Road,Panvu District Guangzhou.Chi Fie 510006 Ema_l:gao-dagang@163 com Mob_le:186)13602894186. Daqang Gao,male,was bo rrl in Jinan,Shandong Province 0f China,in 1961 He holds the Title of the Senio r Artist He is an assoclate D rofesso r and chai rman Ofthe Depa rtmentoftheArts Ofthe PublicSpaces atGuangzhOu Universitv He also serves asthe assistant dean 0ftheCollege 0fArts and Design Heis amemberoftheArtistsAssociation 0fGuangdong,di rector 0f the Center of Travel and FriendshiD 0f Chinese Artist Association He is edito r 0f the jou rnal the A rtists and the Hanmo lmage magazine f rom Shallahai O riental Art Museum Education:1988,BA,College 0f Arts,Suzhou Universitv 1981,g radgatedfromArts andCraftsSchool ofQingdao Exhibitions:14 S010 Exhibitions 2008:works ParticiDated South Texas A rt Festiva J,USA 2008:he Jd an individuaI traveljna exh_bition in USA 2008:workl was chosen t0 Beiling International BiennaIe of FiRe Art 2007 Exhibitioil Tou r of Oil Daintillgs and SctllDtu res 0f Lingnan,China 2006 Exhibitioil of OiI Paintings of Lingnan 2006 Guanqzhou Internationel Art Fair 2006 S010 Exhibition,Ruvi Galle rv,Ggabgzhou,China 2006 Exchange Exh_bition 0f Modarrl Paintings of China 2006 Sunshine Lingnan Show of Small-SIZEd Oil Pa。iRt。ings,GMangdong 2005 Solo Exhibition,A rt Academv of Fu._an Proyince 2005 United Exhibition 0f Guallflzhou Universitv and Chinese Cultti re Universitv of Taiwan 2004 Second Show of China,JaDan and Korea 2003 S010 Exh_bition.Zhonqshan Art Musetlm 2003 2nd Moder rl 0il Painting Show of Guangdollg 2003 SoIo Exhibitioil,Hallli rlzhai Art Musaum,GBallgdong 2002 1 st Show Of th ree vea r Arts Of China 2002 SolO ExhjbitiOn,Yangzhiguang Art Center,Guangzhou 2002 Yea rIv Academic Show 0f Chinese Artists 2001 Sol0 Exh_bition,Art Museum of Jiangsu Proyince 2001 G rand Show 0f Chirlese 0il Paintinqs 2000 O_l Painting wo rk Guanhai selected fo r Todav’s Chinese Arts 2000 1 st M0de rn 0Il PaInting Show 0f Guangdong 2000 Exchange Exhibition 0f ChiRE-Ge rmanv 2000 Exchange of Arts and Cultu re,Wastern Europe,。invited bv East—WESt Center of France 1999 Solo Exhibition,YiyElan Inte rnationeI Art Museum,Bei.iing Collectios: Fo rmer German Chancello r Gerha rd Sch r de r Central Committee 0f CPC Art MUSEUm 0f Jiallgsu

    高大钢,男,1961年出生于山东济南。 现任教于广州大学美术学院、院长助理,公共空间艺术系主任,实验室副主任,副教授,高级美术师。学历: 1978—1981年山东省青岛工艺美术艺校(中专) 1984—1988年苏州大学艺术学院(原苏丝院)文学学士学位主要展览: 1999年北京国际艺美术馆举办个人画展及研讨会 2000年中德绘画交流展 2000年广东第一届当代油画大展 2000年油画作品《魏海》A入选《今日中回美术》史料卷 2001年中回油画大展 2001年江苏省美术馆举办个人画展及研讨会 2002年广州杨之光美术中心展览馆举办个人画展及研讨会 2002年首届中国艺术三年展 2003年广东瀚林斋美术馆举办个人画展及研讨会 2003年广东第二届当代油画大展 2003年中山美术馆举办个人画展及研讨会 2005年福建省画院举办个人画展 2006年广州如意画廊举办个人画展 2008年宝珍堂广东艺术精品展 2008年参加美国南德克萨斯州艺术节 2008年美国个人巡回展 2008年入选第三届北京国际美术双年展 已举办十五次个人画展,其中《可能的重物》A02被德国总理施罗德私人收藏;油画作品《魏海》被中共中央辩公靡收藏、江苏美术馆等机构收藏。






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